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Enefit Home

4.0 ( 0 ratings )
Utvecklare: Eesti Energia

Enefit Home pakub klientidele järgnevaid väärtusi:
• mugavus;
• turvalisus;
• teadlikkus;
• sääst;
• ohutus.

Enefit Home rakendusega saate juhtida erinevaid koju paigutatud seadmeid nagu sensorid, LED-lambid, nutipistikud jne. Seeläbi saavutate suurema kontrolli enda koduste seadmete ja kodus toimuva üle.

Mobiilirakendus aitab tõsta teadlikkust elektrienergia kasutuse osas ja annab võimaluse automaatselt välja lülitada seadmeid, kui Teil neid vaja ei ole. Enefit Home muudab kodu turvalisemaks ja igapäevaelu mugavamaks.

Loe lähemalt:

Enefit Home – Your home in your pocket!

Enefit Home mobile app is the first smart home service on the market that is actively developing together with customers feedback.

Enefit Home offers:
• comfort,
• security,
• awareness,
• savings,
• safety.

With the Enefit Home app you can manage dozens of connected products like sensors, lights and smart plugs that allow you to control your home appliances and environment remotely – all from your smart phone.

The app also helps with energy saving by raising awareness of your energy usage and helping you to automatically turn off devices when you don’t need them. Enefit Home makes your home safer and everyday life more convenient.

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